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  Anchor Windlass 3D Model
Anchor Windlass 3d model
Anchor Windlass
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Model's Description:

Anchor Windlass 3d model contains 52,142 polygons and 26,588 vertices.

A weathered anchor windlass with a motor. ~20K points / ~50K triangles. 4 8K maps for diffuse, normal, spec and ambient occlusion. from wikipedia: “A windlass is a machine used on ships that is used to let-out and heave-up equipment such as a ship’s anchor or a fishing trawl. On some ships, it may be located in a specific room called the windlass room. An anchor windlass is a machine that restrains and manipulates the anchor chain on a boat, allowing the anchor to be raised and lowered by means of chain cable. A notched wheel engages the links of the chain or the rope.” - Anchor Windlass - Buy Royalty Free 3D model by waitism
Model's Textures: (4)

    N Texture #1
    RGB Texture #2
    R Texture #3
    R Texture #4
Keywords:  object   marine   motor   prop   dock   anchor   rusty   outdoor   metal   water   engine   port   harbour   weathered   photoscan   photogrammetry   asset   scan   ship   navy   boat   windlass (c) 2017-2021