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  Amurosaurus riabinini skull 3D Model
Amurosaurus riabinini skull 3d model
Amurosaurus riabinini skull
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Model's Description:

Amurosaurus riabinini skull 3d model contains 914,160 polygons and 456,636 vertices.

Digital sculpture of an Amurosaurus riabinini skull. Amurosaurus is a lambeosaurine hadrosaur from far eastern Russia. It was named after the Amur river. It is found in the Udurchukan Formation. Цифровая скульптура черепа Amurosaurus riabinini. Амурозавр — гадрозавр-ламбеозавр из дальневосточной России. Он был назван в честь реки Амур. Встречается в удурчуканской свите. I’ve done my best to make this as accurate as possible. I had to compare a whole lot of reference material. Not everything is known on the skull of Amurosaurus. So, for bones that were unknown I’ve reference other hadrosaurs such as Parasaurolophus, Kazaklambia, Corythosaurus, Hypacrosaurus, Canardia and also saurolophine hadrosaurs like Saurolophus and Edmontosaurus. Even museum mounts often do not reconstruct bones like the pterygoids, palatines and vomers due to those bones being generally fragile and not fossilising that often. So they are often incompletely known and hard to reconstruct
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Keywords:  skeleton   bone   reconstruction   jaw   fossil   cretaceous   printable   mesozoic   hadrosaur   ornithopod   lambeosaurine   maastrichtian   lambeosaurinae   3dprint   skull   sculpture   dinosaur   hadrosauridae   ornithopoda   noai (c) 2017-2021