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  Alolan Billiards Table 3D Model
Alolan Billiards Table 3d model
Alolan Billiards Table
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Model's Description:

Alolan Billiards Table 3d model contains 12,352 polygons and 6,604 vertices.

This will be updated over the course of the month of March!- Wait, it’s finished! This is both a personal project and also a school project rolled into one! For my class, I was tasked with creating an object for my portfolio. Creative freedom! Since creating my Shady House VRChat world about a year ago, I’ve been thinking about making a custom pool table to put in it, so the project fell into place! I designed a high end pool table meant to exist in the pokémon universe, embelished with one of each type of Z-Crystal in place of normal sights. The carvings on the sides are inspired by the four Guardian Deities that watch over the islands of Alola. Then, I trashed it with paint and custom carvings. I imagined Team Skull getting ahold of something fancy like this and channeled what I thought they’d do. Something edgy, rebellious, and purely expressive
Model's Textures: (5)

    A Texture #1
    N Texture #2
    RGB Texture #3
    R Texture #4
    R Texture #5
Keywords:  fanart   pokemon   billiards   schoolproject   vrchat   pooltable   pokemonsunmoon   teamskull   studentproject   design-decoration   student   alolanregion   noai (c) 2017-2021