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  Allosaurus skull and jaw. 3D Model
Allosaurus skull and jaw. 3d model
Allosaurus skull and jaw.
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Model's Description:

Allosaurus skull and jaw. 3d model contains 528,818 polygons and 209,501 vertices.

Allosaurus fragilis.Theropod dinosaur that lived 155 to 150 million years ago during the late Jurassic period. Citations:Lautenschlager S (2015) Estimating cranial musculoskeletal constraints in theropod dinosaurs. Royal Society Open Science 2: 150495. Thanks to S. Lautenschlager for sharing the original file. You can see a 3D printing model here: - Allosaurus skull and jaw
Model's Textures: (0)

Keywords:  3d-printing   dinosaur-skull-3d (c) 2017-2021