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  80s TV Emperor Dalek 3D Model
80s TV Emperor Dalek 3d model
80s TV Emperor Dalek
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Model's Description:

80s TV Emperor Dalek 3d model contains 65,964 polygons and 36,494 vertices.

This is my take on the Emperor Dalek from the comic Emperor of the Daleks. It was one of the very first dr who comics i had read and i loved it, still do. I loved the renegade emperor dalek and the amazing artwork by lee sullivan
Model's Textures: (2)

    A Texture #1
    RGB Texture #2
Keywords:  tardis   3dart   robotic   dalek   doctorwho   daleks   cyborg   dalek-doctorwho   3dsmax   3ds   dalek-emperor   daleksupreme (c) 2017-2021