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  71044-skylight-cover-srs-screen-5-5 3D Model
71044-skylight-cover-srs-screen-5-5 3d model
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Model's Description:

71044-skylight-cover-srs-screen-5-5 3d model contains 44,922 polygons and 22,169 vertices.

TDE-STS MODEL SKYLIGHT SCREEN Mounting Frame consists of two extruded 6005-T6 aluminum rails that rest on the outside frame of the skylight on its long sides. The aluminum frames are connected with two 5/16” cold rolled, zinc plated threaded rods installed on the short sides of the skylight with nylon insert lock nuts and zinc-plated washers. The screen material is .187 and .250 diameter 304 stainless steel or galvanized carbon steel wire in a 4” X 4” grid. The screen is positioned in the channel of the aluminum frame and then locked into place with 1” aluminum clips attached to the frame using 1/2” stainless steel hex head screws. Screen material is .187 and .250 diameter 304 stainless steel or galvanized carbon steel wire in a 4” x 4” grid. The screen rests on the roof surface and is attached to the skylight frame with vinyl coated stainless steel straps mounted on the vertical wire grid. Self-tapping screws fasten the screen to the skylight frame
Model's Textures: (0)

Keywords:  tde-sts   screenskylight (c) 2017-2021