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  50+ Kitchen Asset Pack 3D Model
50+ Kitchen Asset Pack 3d model
50+ Kitchen Asset Pack
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Model's Description:

50+ Kitchen Asset Pack 3d model contains 76,796 polygons and 39,469 vertices.

Transform your virtual kitchens into a culinary haven with our extensive 50+ Kitchen Asset Pack. This collection features meticulously crafted Lowpoly models of kitchen utensils, designed to add realism and functionality to a variety of projects, from game development to architectural visualization. Enhance the visual appeal of your virtual culinary spaces with this versatile and comprehensive asset pack. Included File: Blend Attached Zip file includes: Separated Models for each model in various file formats (Fbx, Obj, Glb, Stl). Game Ready 3d Models. These kitchen utensils come pre-textured and ready for deployment, saving you valuable time that can be spent on refining the overall aesthetics of your project. These lowpoly models are crafted to be resource-efficient, allowing for seamless integration into games, simulations, and architectural visualizations without compromising on detail. Explore over 50 lowpoly kitchen utensils, including knives, spoons, pots, pans, and more. - 50+ Kitchen Asset Pack - Low poly Utensils - Buy Royalty Free 3D model by Shree Laxminarayan Technologies (@ShreeLaxminarayanTechnologies)
Model's Textures: (0)

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