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  2020 Citroen Ami Pop 3D Model
2020 Citroen Ami Pop 3d model
2020 Citroen Ami Pop
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Model's Description:

2020 Citroen Ami Pop 3d model contains 2,702 polygons and 1,400 vertices.

The 2020 Citroen Ami Pop is an electric microcar for a new urban mobility. Pop is the Ami version with more fun, young and sporty design, with a rear spoiler. The simple, young, friendly and technological image of the Ami are the guarantee that this 3D model easily adapts to any type of environments and design projects The 3d is very low-poly, full-scale, real photos texture (single 2048 x 2048 png). Package includes 5 file formats and texture (3ds, fbx, dae, obj and skp) Hope you enjoy it. José Bronze - 2020 Citroen Ami Pop - Buy Royalty Free 3D model by Jose Bronze (@pinceladas3d)
Model's Textures: (1)

    RGB Texture #1
Keywords:  citroen   french   gadget   european   urban   ami   mobility   2020   geek   microcar   phototexture   transports   all-electric   low-poly   vehicle   technology   car   city   electric (c) 2017-2021