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  1977-805 Model of two-masted sailing ship 3D Model
1977-805 Model of two-masted sailing ship 3d model
1977-805 Model of two-masted sailing ship
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Model's Description:

1977-805 Model of two-masted sailing ship 3d model contains 1,260,140 polygons and 629,223 vertices.

The model has had several parts removed and paint stripped back during an historic attempt at restoration, which has frustrated specific identification. Some elements are suggestive of a Mediaeval cog, especially hull dimensions, keel design and clinker build. Another comparison would be a mid-to-late-18th-century or early 19th-century merchant, or naval, brig. Brigs were two-masted, square-rigged ships which normally had a spanker sail set on the lower mainmast. The foremast was the shorter of the two masts. They were used as both naval and merchant vessels. If this ship is based on a naval vessel it would be classed as a sixth-rate (having 20-28 guns on a single deck) as there are 22 gun-ports. This model was brought to you with help from Museums Galleries Scotland as part of the ‘Exploring the Ship Model Collection at the McManus’ project
Model's Textures: (1)

    RGB Texture #1
Keywords:  battleship   warship   naval   museum   dundee   museumcollection   sailingship   clinker   universityofdundee   boatmodels   shipmodels   mcmanus   photogrammetry   3dscan   navy   shipmodel   shipmodelcollection   museumgalleriesscotland (c) 2017-2021