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  1960s Kitchen Scissors 3D Model
1960s Kitchen Scissors 3d model
1960s Kitchen Scissors
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Model's Description:

1960s Kitchen Scissors 3d model contains 2,898 polygons and 1,472 vertices.

Modeled after a pair of scissors I picked up from the thrift store. Wish I could supply more info on what these are, but I have been only been able to find a single picture of it online from someone selling a pair on a used tools website (they never responded back to me when I tried prying information out of them). They also double as a bottle opener and a nutcracker, which is kinda neat :) - 1960's Kitchen Scissors - 3D model by Mikkel Garde Blaase (@plorigon)
Model's Textures: (4)

    N Texture #1
    RGB Texture #2
    R Texture #3
    R Texture #4
Keywords:  noai (c) 2017-2021