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  12.7 mm (0.5") DShK M38 3D Model
12.7 mm (0.5") DShK M38 3d model
12.7 mm (0.5") DShK M38
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Model's Description:

12.7 mm (0.5") DShK M38 3d model contains 151,880 polygons and 82,530 vertices.

12.7 mm/79 (0.5”) DShK machine gun This Soviet machine gun was accepted into service in 1938 and still remains the primary heavy MG of the Russian Army to this day. The DShK is as famous in Russia as the 0.50” (12.7 mm) caliber M2 BMG is in the USA. The DShK, despite its small caliber, became the primary Soviet AA gun of World War II. As of June 1941 there were 787 DShK machine guns in service in the Soviet Navy. This high-poly model depicts a Model 1938 on a single mount - 12.7 mm (0.5") DShK M38 - Buy Royalty Free 3D model by ThomasBeerens
Model's Textures: (11)

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Keywords:  ww2   soviet   ships   wwii   russian   machinegun   russia   naval   ussr   blender-3d   machine-gun   dshk   pbrtexture   soviet-union   naval-gun   soviet-weapon   pbr-texturing   soviet-military-equipment   ussrgun   blender   pbr   blender3d   gun   war   navy   anti-aircraft-gun   aa-gun (c) 2017-2021