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  ❤️ Love Day 3D Model
❤️ Love Day 3d model
❤️ Love Day
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Model's Description:

❤️ Love Day 3d model contains 75,808 polygons and 42,244 vertices.

Love Day [ Hearts] Valentine Day - Classic Collection Holidays Limited Edition Digital Art ( Series ) Digital Art Creation by Artist LBro. FOLLOW US or CONNECT WITH US –> Share or Like Thank You ! Website Facebook Twitter Youtube Saint Valentine’s Day or the Feast of Saint Valentine, is celebrated annually on February 14. St. Valentine’s Day and the rites of the ancient Roman purification festival of Lupercalia. Originated as a Christian feast day honoring one or two early Christian martyrs named Saint Valentine and, through later folk traditions, has become a significant cultural, religious, and commercial celebration of romance and love in many regions of the world Valentine’s Day give chance to celebrate Love – sending greeting cards , offering confectionery and presenting flowers or gifts Chocolat box
Model's Textures: (0)

Keywords:  sky   caracter   cake   flower   heart   amour   wine   happy   fun   balloon   sketch   valentine   love   rose   valentin   day   gift   friends   color   chocolate   14   birthday   joy   cupidon   date   valentines-day   amor   weeding   february   blue   smilling   xrealis   lbro   noai (c) 2017-2021