Search in 61 Models

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 Lewis Chess Piece: Berse
Lewis Chess Piece: Berserker or Warder H.NS 29
 1,000,000 polygons  Download 
 Bes Figurine: Bolton Mus
Bes Figurine: Bolton Museum Collection
 64,000 polygons  Download 
 Ner Tamid Lamp
Ner Tamid Lamp
 1,164,244 polygons  Download 
 Dolly the sheep
Dolly the sheep
 1,000,000 polygons  Download 
 VR Square Room Gallery 4
VR Square Room Gallery 4K
 392,504 polygons  Download 
 Lewis Chess Pieces: Comp
Lewis Chess Pieces: Complete Set
 825,000 polygons  Download 
 Calcified Bird Nest: Bol
Calcified Bird Nest: Bolton Museum Collection
 64,000 polygons  Download 
 Head of Ptolemy | Soter
Head of Ptolemy | Soter (Savior)
 244,783 polygons  Download 
 48,854 polygons  Download 
 Gold ‘blackstone’ pe
Gold ‘blackstone’ pendant, Galloway Hoard
 150,026 polygons  Download 
 The Mary, Queen of Scots
The Mary, Queen of Scots Casket
 977,433 polygons  Download 
 Facility1275E Exhibit Ha
Facility1275E Exhibit Hall at LC-26
 193,064 polygons  Download 
 The Street Cemetery
The Street Cemetery
 520,981 polygons  Download 
 Hussar helmet
Hussar helmet
 80,708 polygons  Download 
 Inscribed Stone: Carlisl
Inscribed Stone: Carlisle Cricket Club
 64,000 polygons  Download 
 Laocoön and His Sons
Laocoön and His Sons
 174,422 polygons  Download 
 Teaching Lithic
Teaching Lithic
 64,000 polygons  Download 
 Horseshoe Crab: Bolton M
Horseshoe Crab: Bolton Museum Collection
 64,000 polygons  Download 
 Sturzbecher (Vessel / Cu
Sturzbecher (Vessel / Cup)
 81,662 polygons  Download 
 Sculpture of a Roman gla
Sculpture of a Roman gladiator
 346,386 polygons  Download 
 Dwarf Spider Droid
Dwarf Spider Droid
 23,324 polygons  Download 
 Bronze Cat Head: Bolton
Bronze Cat Head: Bolton Museum Collection
 63,999 polygons  Download 
 Armillary sphere (1771)
Armillary sphere (1771)
 308,898 polygons  Download 
 Green kippah from the ho
Green kippah from the house of Szymon Kluger
 14,908 polygons  Download 
 White kippah from the ho
White kippah from the house of Szymon Kluger
 8,331 polygons  Download 
 Black kippah from the ho
Black kippah from the house of Szymon Kluger
 13,840 polygons  Download 
 Lizard: Bolton Museum Co
Lizard: Bolton Museum Collection
 64,000 polygons  Download 
 Coffee pot
Coffee pot
 35,836 polygons  Download 
 La Clef des Champs, RenÃ
La Clef des Champs, René Magritte
 13,784 polygons  Download 
 Painted folk cupboard (l
Painted folk cupboard (low cabinet)
 142,331 polygons  Download 
 Night chair
Night chair
 187,324 polygons  Download 
 Realistic Industrial Bui
Realistic Industrial Building (VR/VX)
 25,094 polygons  Download 
 Dowry chest
Dowry chest
 162,832 polygons  Download 
 Painted folk cupboard
Painted folk cupboard
 397,885 polygons  Download 

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Total: 61 Model Ripped. (c) 2017-2023