Search in 472 Models

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 Abandoned / Soviet / Sch
Abandoned / Soviet / School / Room / VR
 98,999 polygons  Download 
 Low | Fences | Old | Rus
Low | Fences | Old | Rusty | Desert | Pack
 3,241 polygons  Download 
 Post-Apocalyptic Scrap G
Post-Apocalyptic Scrap Gun
 7,633 polygons  Download 
 Rust AK concept
Rust AK concept
 68,074 polygons  Download 
 Quarantine Checkpoint v0
Quarantine Checkpoint v0.1 [WIP]
 63,426 polygons  Download 
 Dirty Kitchen Sink
Dirty Kitchen Sink
 2,868 polygons  Download 
 HDRI Post-Apocalyptic De
HDRI Post-Apocalyptic Desert Panorama F
 3,968 polygons  Download 
 8,199 polygons  Download 
 Melee Apocalypse Weapons
Melee Apocalypse Weapons: Combat Axe
 4,884 polygons  Download 
 Rusty Water tower (Featu
Rusty Water tower (Featured in PUBG)
 6,000 polygons  Download 
 29,526 polygons  Download 
 Planetside 2 Apocalypse
Planetside 2 Apocalypse Ballistic Mask
 8,478 polygons  Download 
 Post Apocalyptic Fallout
Post Apocalyptic Fallout Radio
 3,617 polygons  Download 
 Metal Shoulder Pads
Metal Shoulder Pads
 1,168 polygons  Download 
 Flower Shop Destroyed +
Flower Shop Destroyed + Clean Version for Unity
 1,690 polygons  Download 
 Zombie Apocalypse Kit [F
Zombie Apocalypse Kit [Free]
 142,312 polygons  Download 
 5,831 polygons  Download 
 HDRI Post-Apocalyptic De
HDRI Post-Apocalyptic Desert Panorama D
 3,968 polygons  Download 
 Metal Shelf
Metal Shelf
 59,470 polygons  Download 
 Biohazard Barrel
Biohazard Barrel
 4,306 polygons  Download 
 724 polygons  Download 
 Concrete Road Barrier Va
Concrete Road Barrier Variant #2
 1,048 polygons  Download 
 4,560 polygons  Download 
 Baseball Bat Barbed Wire
Baseball Bat Barbed Wires
 325,354 polygons  Download 
 Wood Chair
Wood Chair
 382 polygons  Download 
 Roe Deer and Fox
Roe Deer and Fox
 11,586 polygons  Download 
 43,926 polygons  Download 
 Desperate Warriors
Desperate Warriors
 123,369 polygons  Download 
 Apocalypse Axe
Apocalypse Axe
 12,912 polygons  Download 
 Post apocalyptic sniper
Post apocalyptic sniper air rifle
 14,286 polygons  Download 
 John Dark
John Dark
 203,304 polygons  Download 
 Old metal bunker door
Old metal bunker door
 14,188 polygons  Download 
 Water Tank
Water Tank
 1,234 polygons  Download 
 Riding Robot Texturing b
Riding Robot Texturing by Pablo Garcia
 71,016 polygons  Download 
 Statue of Bloody Bishop
Statue of Bloody Bishop
 85,716 polygons  Download 

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Total: 472 Model Ripped. (c) 2017-2023