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 1,200,000 polygons  Download 
 Arcade & stair over
Arcade & stair over an arch
 911,380 polygons  Download 
 KunstModell Projekt
KunstModell Projekt
 443,776 polygons  Download 
 Ice age art, human figur
Ice age art, human figurine ("Venus")
 60,000 polygons  Download 
 Valentin´s Date
Valentin´s Date
 236,482 polygons  Download 
 FS0550 V Bar V Rock Art
FS0550 V Bar V Rock Art Panel 4 & the Crack
 122,191 polygons  Download 
 Ceramic Egg (Liverpool C
Ceramic Egg (Liverpool Court Housing)
 15,872 polygons  Download 
 Cheval en ronde-bosse
Cheval en ronde-bosse
 1,155,422 polygons  Download 
 93,151 polygons  Download 
 Teryuchanin SCULL
Teryuchanin SCULL
 539,212 polygons  Download 
 Inhumation médiévale (
Inhumation médiévale (F2089)
 1,368,210 polygons  Download 
 Leather short sleeve
Leather short sleeve
 100,000 polygons  Download 
 Bouteille en forme de tÃ
Bouteille en forme de tête humaine
 99,996 polygons  Download 
 Alejandro Magno ecuestre
Alejandro Magno ecuestre V-255
 928,360 polygons  Download 
 Armour from Piquía: 3D
Armour from Piquía: 3D reconstruction
 158,826 polygons  Download 
 Feuille de laurier
Feuille de laurier
 258,688 polygons  Download 
 Belt from Vimose: 3D rec
Belt from Vimose: 3D reconstruction
 208,006 polygons  Download 
 CCCM6 by Angélica Diosd
CCCM6 by Angélica Diosdado & Oswaldo Camarillo
 390,704 polygons  Download 
 1,200,000 polygons  Download 
 Armour from Vimose: 3D r
Armour from Vimose: 3D reconstruction
 203,618 polygons  Download 
 Castello Monforte di Cam
Castello Monforte di Campobasso
 33,301 polygons  Download 
 Crab-shaped seat from Pa
Crab-shaped seat from Palo Verde, Guatemala
 590,056 polygons  Download 
 Thutmose IV
Thutmose IV
 206,461 polygons  Download 
 Birckhead Clovis Point
Birckhead Clovis Point
 385,074 polygons  Download 
 Standing Stela- Past and
Standing Stela- Past and Present
 330,432 polygons  Download 
 Armour from Fluitenberg
Armour from Fluitenberg – a 3D reconstruction
 177,858 polygons  Download 
 Ceramic bowl, Caracol, B
Ceramic bowl, Caracol, Belize
 271,844 polygons  Download 
 Armour from Künzing: 3D
Armour from Künzing: 3D reconstruction
 171,390 polygons  Download 
 Warp Weighted Loom
Warp Weighted Loom
 14,516 polygons  Download 
 Black Panther Print Hood
Black Panther Print Hoodie
 562,058 polygons  Download 
 Puits Medieval / Medieva
Puits Medieval / Medieval Well
 5,230 polygons  Download 
 889 Silex Sichel | silex
889 Silex Sichel | silex sickle
 750,000 polygons  Download 
 Dame de Brassempouy à l
Dame de Brassempouy à la capuche
 99,996 polygons  Download 
 Armour from Stari Jankov
Armour from Stari Jankovci: 3D reconstruction
 425,982 polygons  Download 
 Armour from Gjermundbu:
Armour from Gjermundbu: 3D reconstruction
 183,386 polygons  Download 
 A sword hilt from Vimose
A sword hilt from Vimose (cat. no. A762.15)
 710,828 polygons  Download 
 Funerary Cippus of Domit
Funerary Cippus of Domitia
 171,759 polygons  Download 
 Armour from Gammertingen
Armour from Gammertingen: (old version)
 212,642 polygons  Download 
 Estela 26 de Uaxactún
Estela 26 de Uaxactún
 29,937 polygons  Download 
 Phaistos Disc
Phaistos Disc
 380 polygons  Download 

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Total: 862 Model Ripped. (c) 2017-2023